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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

N Letter Names for Baby Boy in Telugu 2022: N Letter Names in Telugu for Baby Boy

N Letter Names for Baby Boy in Telugu 2022: N Letter Names in Telugu for Baby Boy
N Letter Names for Baby Boy in Telugu 2022: N Letter Names in Telugu for Baby Boy

Telugu Baby Boy Names Start with N: This page has a huge collection of names for boy babies especially starting with the Telugu alphabet A. Parents who want to name their child with a unique name can search and find the best name here. The best name should have horoscope values and modern meanings so we collect names with those values.

N Letter Names for Boy in Telugu: We have created a list of latest and new N letter names for baby Boy in Telugu. N letter names in Telugu for Boys are modern for our time. This list will help you select the best names for your baby Boy in Telugu which everybody in your family will love. We hope these names will make your Boy stand out in the crowd.

N Letter Names for Boy in Telugu

Choosing a name for your baby-to-be is arguably one of the most important decisions you’ll make during your pregnancy. Should you select a classic name that will stand the test of time, possibly one that’s remained in your family for generations? Or, should you opt for a name that’s more modern and unique? Get the complete list of Baby Boy Names starting with N in Telugu.

Alphabet N
Baby Boy
Gender Female
Language Telugu
Provider Teacher Text

Meaning of N Letter Names in Telugu for Baby Boy

People with the name starting with N letter are open-minded, and also full of ambitions.They likes perfection in everything, and they himself tries his best to do better. These people’s personality is very attractive, which easily attracts anyone.

By nature, sometimes soft and sometimes hot, and even if there are differences with anyone, they do not take long to mess up. In general, their life is complete. These people are very sensitive in terms of relationships, and are equally romantic in terms of love. They are completely loyal to their love, but sometimes flirting does not deter them. It is the specialty of these people to keep smiling in every situation.

Popular Baby Boy Names Starting with N in Telugu 2022

Find here a list of Boy names starting with N in Telugu 2022. Here, you can browse the list of the top 1,000 baby Boy names starting with N in Telugu for inspiration.

Whether you are seeking a cool baby Boy name filled with enthusiasm and energy, or prefer a cute Boy name that’s a little more low-key or off-the-beaten path, our lists of unique, uncommon and most popular baby Boy names will help you find the right fit.


Naksh The moon, feature
Nijay The moon, feature
Neal Victor
Niqiles Lord of all
Nakshith Power of Lion
Nishav the best
Neer water
Nal an ancient king
Niv basic, foundation
Nivaan holy, bound
Nadish God of river
Naman salutation, bowing
Nitin master of the law
Nava very true boy
Neel blue
Neil champion
Nish cute
Nrip king
Nadal fortunate
Nadir pinnacle
naksh feature
nakul lord shiva
naman respect
namit modest
nanak first Sikh guru
narad Indian saint
narsi poet
narun leader of men
naval wonder
navin new
nayan eye
nehal rainy
nigam treasure
nihal happy
nihan morning
nihar dewdrop
niket home
ninad sound
nipun expert
niraj lotus flower
niral unique
nirav quiet
nirek superior
nitin brave
nived purity
nairit south-west
naitik regular
nandak pleasing
navnit fresh butter
nihant never ending
nihaal knowledge
nikunj bower
nimish Lord Vishnu
ninith good look
nirmal kindness
nirvan liberation
nishal no end
nishik lotus flower
nithish night lord
Naabhak (à°¨ాà°­à°•) Belonging to the Sky
Naabhas (à°¨ాà°­à°¸) Celestial, Appearing in the Sky, Name of individual constellations, Sky, Ocean, Heavenly
Naag (à°¨ాà°—) A big serpent
Naagadatha (à°¨ాà°—à°¦ాà°¤ా) One of the Kauravas
Naagdhar (à°¨ాగధర) Lord Shiva, One who wears a Cobra
Naagpal (à°¨ాà°—à°ªాà°²) Saviour of serpents
Naagpathi (à°¨ాగపథీ) King of serpents
Naakaiah (à°¨ాà°•à°¯ః)
Naarang (à°¨ాà°°ంà°—) Narang can be used as a surname in various culture; Orange; Human; A twin
Naarayan (à°¨ాà°°ాయణ) Lord Vishnu; Refuge of man
Naathan (à°¨ాథన) Gift from God; Rewarded; Given; Giving; Desire; Protector; Lord; Another name for Krishna
Naavinya (à°¨ాà°µీà°¨్à°¯) New
Naayak (à°¨ాయక) The guide
Nabarun (నబరూà°£) Morning Sun
Nabendu (నబేంà°¦ు) New Moon, A night after Amavasya
Nabh (నభ) The Sky
Nabhanyu (నభాà°¨్à°¯ు) Eternal; Celestial
Nabhas (నభస) Celestial; Appearing in the sky; Name of individual constellations; Sky; Ocean; Heavenly
Nabhay (నభయ) Without Fear
Nabhayan (నభాà°¯ం) Fearsome
Nabhendu (నభేà°¨్à°¦ు) New Moon
Nabhi (à°¨ాà°­ి) Centre of the body; An ancient king
Nabhij (à°¨ాà°­ిà°œ) Lord Brahma; Born from the navel
Nabhinath (à°¨ాà°­ిà°¨ాà°¥) Fearless
Nabhith (à°¨ాà°­ిà°¤) Fearless
Nabhoj (నభోà°œ) Born in Sky
Nabhomani (నభోమనీ) Jewel of the Sky; The Sun
Nabil (నబీà°²) Noble; Generous; Peacock
Nabin (నబీà°¨) New
Nabina (నబీà°¨ా) New
Nachik (నచిà°•) A short form of Nachiketa
Nachiket (నచిà°•ేà°¤) Son of vajashravas
Nachiketa (నచిà°•ేà°¤ా) An ancient Rishi; Fire
Nachiketas (నచిà°•ేతస) The name of the boy who went to see Lord Yama and got Brahma Vidya from Yama
Nadal (à°¨ాదల) Fortunate
Nadan (à°¨ాà°¦ాà°¨) Very simple
Nadapratithishta (à°¨ాదప్à°°à°¤ిà°¤ిà°·్à° ా) One who appreciates and loves music
Nadeep (నదీà°ª) Lord of wealth
Nadeesh (నదీà°¶) God of river; Ocean; Hope; Lord of water
Nadin (à°¨ాà°¦ీà°¨) Lord of rivers; Ocean
Nadir (à°¨ాà°¦ిà°°) Fresh; Dear; Rare; Pinnacle
Nadish (నదిà°¶) God of river; Ocean; Hope; Lord of water
Nag Raj (à°¨ాà°—-à°°ాà°œ) King of the serpents; King of cobras
Nagabhushan (à°¨ాà°—à°­ుà°·à°£) One who wears snakes as ornaments, Lord Shiva
Nagabhushana (à°¨ాà°—à°­ూà°·à°£) One who has serpents as ornaments
Nagabhushanam (à°¨ాà°—à°­ుషణమ) God Shankar, Lord Shiva
Nagaiah (à°¨ాà°—ైః) Lord cobra
Nagalingesh (à°¨ాà°—à°²ింà°—ేà°¶) Lord Shiva
Nagamunendra (à°¨ాగమనేà°¨్à°¦్à°°)
Naganath (à°¨ాà°—à°¨ాà°¥) Snake; The king of serpents; A serpent chief
Nagaraj (à°¨ాà°—à°°ాà°œ) King of the serpents; King of cobras
Nagaraja (à°¨ాà°—à°°ాà°œా) Lord Nagaraja
Nagarajan (à°¨ాà°—à°°ాజన) King of snake
Nagaraju (à°¨ాà°—à°°ాà°œు) King of snakes
Nagarathna (à°¨ాà°—à°°à°¤్à°¨ా) Snakes diamond
Nagarin (à°¨ాà°—à°°ీà°¨) Lord of a town
Nagarjun (à°¨ాà°—ాà°°్à°œుà°¨) Best among the snakes
Nagarjuna (à°¨ాà°—ాà°°్à°œుà°¨) Lord Shiva; Best among the snakes; A white snake; Name of an ancient buddhist teacher of the rank Bodhisattva
Nagdhar (à°¨ాగధర) Lord Shiva, One who wears a Cobra
Nagendra (à°¨ాà°—ేà°¨్à°¦్à°°) Seshnag; King of the serpents
Nagesh (à°¨ాà°—ేà°¶) Seshnag; Cosmic serpent; Owner of a serpent
Nagesha (à°¨ాà°—ేà°¶) Seshnag; Cosmic serpent; Owner of a serpent
Nageshwar (à°¨ాà°—ేà°¶్వర) Lord Shiva; God of serpents
Nageshwaran (à°¨ాà°—ేà°¶్వరన) Lord snake
Nageswara (à°¨ాà°—ేà°¶్వరా) Lord Shiva; God of serpents
Naggar (à°¨ాà°—్à°—à°°) Lord Krishna
Nagmani (à°¨ాగమణి) Jewels
Nagnath (à°¨ాà°—à°¨ాà°¥) Snake; The king of serpents; A serpent chief
Nagpal (à°¨ాà°—à°ªాà°² , à°¨ాà°—à°ªాà°²) Saviour of serpents
Nagpati (à°¨ాగపతి) King of serpents, Vaasuki
Nagraj (à°¨ాà°—à°°ాà°œ) King of serpents
Nagsen (à°¨ాà°—à°¸ేà°¨) Superior
Nagsri (à°¨ాà°—à°¶్à°°ీ) Queen of Snakes
Naheem (à°¨ాà°¹ీà°®) Good eyes
Nahul (à°¨ాà°¹ుà°²) Powerful
Nahush (నహుà°·) Name of An ancient king
Nahusha (నహుà°·ా) A mythological king
Naidu (à°¨ాయడు) Diamond
Naimath (à°¨ైà°®ాà°¥) Ease; Blessing; Wealth; Delight; Favor
Naimesh (à°¨ైà°®ేà°·) Saints name
Naimish (à°¨ైà°®ిà°·) Inside viewer; Wink; Transient
Nainesh (à°¨ైà°¨ేà°¶) God's third eye; Relax eyes; Relate to eye
Nainish (à°¨ైà°¨ీà°¶) Lord of eyes
Nainush (à°¨ైà°¨ుà°·)
Nair (à°¨ాయర) Lord Krishna; Leader
Nairit (à°¨ైà°‹à°¤్à°¯) A Direction, Southwest
Naishadh (à°¨ైà°·à°§) King Nala; A hero from the Mahabharata who was king of Nishadha; A open; About Nishadha; An epic poem
Naishal (à°¨ైà°¶ాà°²) Parvat (Mountain)
Naitik (à°¨ైà°¤ిà°•) Good in nature
Naitvik (à°¨ైతవిà°•)
Naivadya (à°¨ైà°µాదయా) Bhagwan ka Prasad (Divine gift (prasad) from God)
Naivedh (à°¨ైà°µేà°¦) Bagvan ka Prasad (Divine gift (prasad) from God)
Naivedya (à°¨ైà°µేà°¦్à°¯) Hindu Mataji prashad with curd & sugar
Naiyah (à°¨ైà°¯ాà°¹) New
Naju (à°¨ాà°œు) Proudly; Noble
Nakesh (à°¨ాà°•ేà°¶) The Moon; Feature
Nakhraj (à°¨ాà°–à°°ాà°œ) The Moon
Nakkiran (నక్à°•ీà°°à°¨) A Tamil Poet
Naksa (నక్à°¸ా) King of stars; Map
Naksatraraja (నక్సత్à°°à°°ాà°œా) King of stars

Baby Names for Boy in Telugu for all Alphabets

What To Consider When Choosing A Baby Boy Names Starting with N in Telugu

There are so many things to factor in when deciding on a name starting with N in Telugu for your baby Boy. To start, you want to make sure you and your partner both like it and that it doesn’t remind either of you of someone you don’t like. It’s also helpful to coordinate the first name with the last name, along with any middle name(s) being considered.Beyond that, it’s a good idea to choose a baby Boy name that matches your family identity and holds some sense of meaning or personal appeal. We suggest you spend some time listening to how your potential baby Boy name starting with N in Telugu syllables sound together, asking around to see how hard the name is to pronounce, and thinking about what the initials spell out, if anything. Some couples narrow things down to a couple of favorites in advance of the birth, then see which of the Telugu Boy names best suits their baby after it is born. In recent times, some parents are avoiding Telugu baby Boy names starting with N altogether, preferring to select gender-neutral names. Ultimately, choosing a perfect Telugu name is a personal decision that is up to you and your partner.



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