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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Death The Leveller Summary in Malayalam PDF Download

Death The Leveller Summary in Malayalam PDF Download
Death The Leveller Summary in Malayalam PDF Download

Death The Leveller Summary in Malayalam: In this article, we will provide you with a summary of Death The Leveller. Also, in this article, we will also provide Death The Leveller Summary in Malayalam for ease of everyone. We have extracted a summary of Death The Leveller and have uploaded them in English and Malayalam for easy understanding and quick learning. If you have questions regarding the Death The Leveller Summary in Malayalam please let us know in the comments.

Death The Leveller Summary Details

We have also found out some important details about the Death The Leveller below:


Death The Leveller

Written By

James Shirley








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Death The Leveller Summary in Malayalam PDF

You can check below the summary of Death The Leveller in malayalam language.

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Death The Leveller Summary in English PDF

You can check below the summary of Death The Leveller in English language.

The glories of our blood and state
Are shadows, not substantial things;
There is no armour against fate;
Death lays his icy hand on kings:
Sceptre and Crown
Must tumble down,
And in the dust be equal made
With the poor crooked scythe and spade.
Some men with swords may reap the field,
And plant fresh laurels where they kill:
But their strong nerves at last must yield;
They tame but one another still:
Early or late
They stoop to fate,
And must give up their murmuring breath
When they, pale captives, creep to death.
The garlands wither on your brow;
Then boast no more your mighty deeds;
Upon Death's purple altar now
See where the victor-victim bleeds:
Your heads must come
To the cold tomb;
Only the actions of the just
Smell sweet, and blossom in their dust.

About the Author Basheer

James Shirley (or Sherley) (September 1596 – October 1666) was an English dramatist.

He belonged to the great period of English dramatic literature, but, in Charles Lamb's words, he "claims a place among the worthies of this period, not so much for any transcendent genius in himself, as that he was the last of a great race, all of whom spoke nearly the same language and had a set of moral feelings and notions in common." His career of play writing extended from 1625 to the suppression of stage plays by Parliament in 1642.

Conclusion on Death The Leveller Summary in Malayalam

We hope that you have found this Death The Leveller Summary in Malayalam useful. If you have any queries related to Death The Leveller Summary in Malayalam, drop your questions below in the comment box.

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