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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Poothapattu Poem Summary in Malayalam PDF Download

Poothapattu Poem Summary in Malayalam PDF Download
Poothapattu Poem Summary in Malayalam PDF Download

Poothapattu Poem Summary in Malayalam: In this article, we will provide you with a summary of Poothapattu Poem. Also, in this article, we will also provide Poothapattu Poem Summary in Malayalam for ease of everyone. We have extracted a summary of Poothapattu Poem and have uploaded them in English and Malayalam for easy understanding and quick learning. If you have questions regarding the Poothapattu Poem Summary in Malayalam please let us know in the comments.

Poothapattu Poem Summary Details

We have also found out some important details about the Poothapattu Poem below:


Poothapattu Poem

Written By

Edasseri Govindan Nair








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Poothapattu Poem Summary in Malayalam PDF

You can check below the summary of Poothapattu Poem in malayalam language.

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Poothapattu Poem Summary in English PDF

You can check below the summary of Poothapattu Poem in English language.

Poothappattu is a poem written by the great poet Edassery Govindan Nair. This work is considered to be one of the most important poems of Edassery, which evokes the glory of motherhood and shares the feelings of the ghost.

Poetry is based on the folk art form Poothan and its mythology found in North Malabar (Valluvanad).

Idasseri himself has made it clear that Pootha in this poem is a concept of a goddess which is 'broken and bound' of various fictional stories.

Malayalam poetry does not have a literary work that is subject to so many expressions. Various dance moves. Poothappattu has been performed in all possible art forms like ballet, Kathakali, storytelling and shadow drama.

The inspiration for this poem is not only the frenzy of the children playing with clay and other things with a sense of reality, but also the mere storytelling curiosity. Dr. MR Raghav Warrier thinks that they are torn channels from folklore to human expressions.

About the Author Basheer

Edasseri Govindan Nair (Malayalam: ഇടശ്à´¶േà´°ി à´—ോà´µിà´¨്ദൻ à´¨ായർ; 23 December 1906 – 16 October 1974) was an Indian poet and playwright of Malayalam literature. Known as one of the major poets of Malayalam, Edasseri was a recipient of the Sahitya Akademi Award and the Kerala Sahitya Akademi Award for Poetry. He was also a recipient of Asan Smaraka Kavitha Puraskaram, which was awarded posthumously.

Conclusion on Poothapattu Poem Summary in Malayalam

We hope that you have found this Poothapattu Poem Summary in Malayalam useful. If you have any queries related to Poothapattu Poem Summary in Malayalam, drop your questions below in the comment box.

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