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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Randamoozham Novel Summary in Malayalam PDF Download

Randamoozham Novel Summary in Malayalam PDF Download
Randamoozham Novel Summary in Malayalam PDF Download

Randamoozham Novel Summary in Malayalam: In this article, we will provide you with a summary of Randamoozham Novel. Also, in this article, we will also provide Randamoozham Novel Summary in Malayalam for ease of everyone. We have extracted a summary of Randamoozham Novel and have uploaded them in English and Malayalam for easy understanding and quick learning. If you have questions regarding the Randamoozham Novel Summary in Malayalam please let us know in the comments.

Randamoozham Novel Summary Details

We have also found out some important details about the Randamoozham Novel below:


Randamoozham Novel

Written By

M. T. Vasudevan Nair








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Randamoozham Novel Summary in Malayalam PDF

You can check below the summary of Randamoozham Novel in malayalam language.

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Randamoozham Novel Summary in English PDF

You can check below the summary of Randamoozham Novel in English language.

The story begins with the incident of Mahaprasthanika Parva where the Pandavas leave for the pilgrimage to Himalayas forsaking all the worldly possessions. The story runs through the eyes of Bhima who faces seemingly severe frustrations as a young man. Always destined to be second to his weak elder brother Yudhishthira in seniority and younger brother Arjuna in fame and popularity, Bhima is not given his due as the main architect of the Pandava victory over their cousins Kauravas in the Kurukshetra war, despite killing all the 100 Kauravas. The book unravels all the hardship and dilemmas encountered by Bhima which remain unnoticed. The book explores the emotions of the mighty Pandava as a son, brother, husband and father. The book brings to light the affection that he holds for his wife draupadi and how unnoticed his acts of love remains. The story questions the mourning of Arjuna's son, Abhimanyu when he is killed during the battle while trying to break the Chakravyuh formation, while Bhima's son, Ghatokkach is led to his death by sacrificing his life to save Arjuna's life and his sacrifice too remains unsung and everyone enjoys the happiness of saving Arjuna's life. Towards the end of the book he is shown as the only husband who seems to stop trying to be with draupadi at her last moment during their pilgrimage.

About the Author Basheer

Madath Thekkepaattu Vasudevan Nair (born 15 July 1933), popularly known as MT, is an Indian author, screenplay writer and film director. He is a prolific and versatile writer in modern Malayalam literature, and is one of the masters of post-Independence Indian literature. He was born in Kudallur, a small village in the present day Anakkara panchayath in Pattambi Taluk, Palakkad district (Palghat), which was under the Malabar District in the Madras Presidency of the British Raj. He shot into fame at the age of 20 when, as a chemistry undergraduate, he won the prize for the best short story in Malayalam at World Short Story Competition conducted by The New York Herald Tribune. His debut novel Naalukettu (Ancestral Home- translated to English as The Legacy), written at the age of 23, won the Kerala Sahitya Akademi Award in 1958. His other novels include Manju (Mist), Kaalam (Time), Asuravithu (The Prodigal Son - translated to English as The Demon Seed) and Randamoozham (The Second Turn). The deep emotional experiences of his early days have gone into the making of MT's novels. Most of his works are oriented towards the basic Malayalam family structure and culture and many of them were path-breaking in the history of Malayalam literature. His three seminal novels on life in the matriarchal family in Kerala are Naalukettu, Asuravithu, and Kaalam. Randamoozham, which retells the story of the Mahabharatha from the point of view of Bhimasena, is widely credited as his masterpiece.

Conclusion on Randamoozham Novel Summary in Malayalam

We hope that you have found this Randamoozham Novel Summary in Malayalam useful. If you have any queries related to Randamoozham Novel Summary in Malayalam, drop your questions below in the comment box.

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