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Valiant Vicky The Brave Weaver Summary in Malayalam PDF Download

Valiant Vicky The Brave Weaver Summary in Malayalam PDF Download
Valiant Vicky The Brave Weaver Summary in Malayalam PDF Download

Valiant Vicky The Brave Weaver Summary in Malayalam: In this article, we will provide you with a summary of Valiant Vicky The Brave Weaver. Also, in this article, we will also provide Valiant Vicky The Brave Weaver Summary in Malayalam for ease of everyone. We have extracted a summary of Valiant Vicky The Brave Weaver and have uploaded them in English and Malayalam for easy understanding and quick learning. If you have questions regarding the Valiant Vicky The Brave Weaver Summary in Malayalam please let us know in the comments.

Valiant Vicky The Brave Weaver Summary Details

We have also found out some important details about the Valiant Vicky The Brave Weaver below:


Valiant Vicky The Brave Weaver

Written By

Flora Annie Steel








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Valiant Vicky The Brave Weaver Summary in Malayalam PDF

You can check below the summary of Valiant Vicky The Brave Weaver in malayalam language.

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Valiant Vicky The Brave Weaver Summary in English PDF

You can check below the summary of Valiant Vicky The Brave Weaver in English language.

Vicky was a weaver by profession and his actual name was Victor Prince. However, because of small and weak build, he was called Little Vicky. But, this did not stop him from being valiant. One day as he was weaving, a mosquito settled on his left hand. Suddenly, the weaving shuttle slipped from his hand and landed on the mosquito, killing it.

Vicky considered this a big achievement and was determined to show his valor. He even imagined being called Prince Victor. However, his neighbors mocked at him when he told them about his determination. So, he set out to prove himself in another land. He soon came face to face with an elephant that was killing the inhabitants of the land. He decided to confront the elephant himself and refused any weapon that the king of the land offered him. All that he took with him was his shuttle.

He put down the food bundle that his wife had given him and approached the elephant. Unknown to him, his wife had poisoned the food because she did not love him. The elephant loved the smell of the bread and gobbled it. Suddenly, Vicky was overcome by fear and started running. But, soon the elephant caught up with him. He suddenly decided to turn around and run between the elephant’s legs. In fear, he bumped against the legs. Just at that moment, the poison took effect and it fell dead. The onlookers were shocked to see the elephant fall dead and even more surprised to see Valiant Vicky sitting on the elephant’s head. They rushed to the King and told him all that happened. The king made him his Commander-in-chief.

Soon, he was sent to confront a tiger that was attacking the people. In fear, he climbed up a tree. As the branch swayed, his dagger slipped from its sheath and went through the tiger’s mouth into its stomach thus killing it on the spot. He beheaded the tiger and took its head to the King. He also managed to save the kingdom being attacked by a neighboring prince by fluke with the help of his new wife who was the King’s dinner. The King then gave him half of his kingdom and Valiant Vicky lived a peaceful life till his end.

About the Author Basheer

Flora Annie Steel (2 April 1847 – 12 April 1929) was an English writer, who lived in British India for 22 years. She was noted especially for books set in the Indian sub-continent or connected with it. Her novel On the Face of the Waters (1896) describes incidents in the Indian Mutiny.

Conclusion on Valiant Vicky The Brave Weaver Summary in Malayalam

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