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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Kirathavritham Poem Summary in Malayalam PDF Download

Kirathavritham Poem Summary in Malayalam PDF Download
Kirathavritham Poem Summary in Malayalam PDF Download

Kirathavritham Poem Summary in Malayalam: In this article, we will provide you with a summary of Kirathavritham Poem. Also, in this article, we will also provide Kirathavritham Poem Summary in Malayalam for ease of everyone. We have extracted a summary of Kirathavritham Poem and have uploaded them in English and Malayalam for easy understanding and quick learning. If you have questions regarding the Kirathavritham Poem Summary in Malayalam please let us know in the comments.

Kirathavritham Poem Summary Details

We have also found out some important details about the Kirathavritham Poem below:


Kirathavritham Poem

Written By

Kadammanitta Ramakrishnan








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Kirathavritham Poem Summary in Malayalam PDF

You can check below the summary of Kirathavritham Poem in malayalam language.

Kirathavritham By Kadammanitta Ramakrishnan

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Kirathavritham Poem Summary in English PDF

You can check below the summary of Kirathavritham Poem in English language.

Kirathavritham By Kadammanitta Ramakrishnan

Eetappuli will lie down and open his eyes
Karimurkhan's tail is clenched and his eyebrows are bent in half
A savage standing in the middle of a wet forest
A savage with a torch in his chest

Heavenly Father trembled when he saw him dead
The mountain mother was disturbed to see the fire
The breast was cut in half and called charcoal in Valattinkara
Kanalin's call whipped into the whip
Like a roasted mackerel, like a rolled-up mammoth
Alari savage like the world
The horse is the savage to uproot the waves
Take a moment to sigh and sigh
The savage was watching the rain
Silence for honor, thirst for mad love increased
The savage was in the dust of the mangroves.

The black cloud will die, or the sea of cocoons?
Am I on the brink of death?
Where Kinakas are sown, flowers bloom and bloom
Where are the Tulsi forests and the wet hairy evenings?
Where are the green grasshoppers?

Nights written by Karukappulthumpathambili
The wind blew the twigs and knocked the cathartic straw
The quails play under the chola tree,
Kariveettikathal is intertwined and the eyelids are wide open
The cheekbones are curved and the fungus is knotted
The body was shaken and the breasts were scattered
The quails play under the chola tree,
Intoxicated by an old-fashioned monkey filled with bamboo shoots
Where am I?

Where are the days gone? Where did the kids go?
The babies of the children who went in search of honeycombs
The girls who went to fill the flower basket.
Amminnachundathottiyo - Where are the ramp flower buds?
Burning and burning smell in the nerves?
Are the directions filled with mountaineering and color?
Eetappuli growled and a drop of fire fell in his eye
The savage stood upright with a broken spine in his liver
The waves roared with rushing force

“I cut the hands of the hunters and washed the stones
Those who have purified their faeces will not be able to move their heads
മരമൊà´•്à´•െയരിà´ž്ഞവരെà´¨്à´¨ുà´Ÿെ à´•ുലമൊà´•്à´•െ à´®ുà´Ÿിà´š്ചവരവരുà´Ÿെ
I will hang the colors of the world with the intestines.
I'll take the trumpet and call the flute again
The bewitching powers will arrive and I will bow
I am the one who broke the nerves of the bow
It will rain and rain
The ray bursts into dust and sprouts
It grows and grows in the shade of a sun
I will laugh at the wildfires and the grief in the forest. ”

The savage standing in the middle of the wet forest
à´¨െà´ž്à´šà´¤്à´¤ൊà´°ു പന്à´¤ം à´•ുà´¤്à´¤ി à´¨ിà´²്à´ª്à´ªു à´•ാà´Ÿ്à´Ÿാളൻ

About the Author Basheer

M. R. Ramakrishna Panikkar (22 March 1935 – 31 March 2008), popularly known as Kadammanitta Ramakrishnan or Kadammanitta, was an Indian poet. He was born in Kadammanitta province of Pathanamthitta district, Kerala. His childhood experiences, especially the Patayani songs, had a strong influence on his literary work.

Conclusion on Kirathavritham Poem Summary in Malayalam

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