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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Lamb To The Slaughter Summary in Malayalam PDF Download

Lamb To The Slaughter Summary in Malayalam PDF Download
Lamb To The Slaughter Summary in Malayalam PDF Download

Lamb To The Slaughter Summary in Malayalam: In this article, we will provide you with a summary of Lamb To The Slaughter. Also, in this article, we will also provide Lamb To The Slaughter Summary in Malayalam for ease of everyone. We have extracted a summary of Lamb To The Slaughter and have uploaded them in English and Malayalam for easy understanding and quick learning. If you have questions regarding the Lamb To The Slaughter Summary in Malayalam please let us know in the comments.

Lamb To The Slaughter Summary Details

We have also found out some important details about the Lamb To The Slaughter below:


Lamb To The Slaughter

Written By

Roald Dahl








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Lamb To The Slaughter Summary in Malayalam PDF

You can check below the summary of Lamb To The Slaughter in malayalam language.

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Lamb To The Slaughter Summary in English PDF

You can check below the summary of Lamb To The Slaughter in English language.

The phrase 'like a lamb to the slaughter' actually has a long and distinguished history in biblical and English literature, and you might've even read it yourself somewhere. If so, you recognized that it's generally used to describe a situation into which a person blindly enters without any knowledge of the inherent danger. The same could be said for certain folks in Roald Dahl's short story 'Lamb to the Slaughter.' The story's title also works as a dark double entendre, a word or phrase used in a way that conveys two meanings, of its eventual outcome.

The story opens on Mary Maloney, who's waiting patiently but eagerly for her husband, a police officer, to get home from work. When he finally does arrive, Patrick Maloney silently takes the drink his wife has prepared for him, and even makes his own stronger second one.

It's Thursday, and the couple usually dines out on those evenings, but Mary recognizes Patrick may be too tired, so she offers to prepare dinner, despite her advanced pregnancy. Patrick seems agitated by his wife's insistence on being useful and asks her instead to listen to what he has to say. He proceeds to tell her, though he never states it explicitly, that he's planning on leaving her.

In a total state of shock, Mary continues to go about making dinner, heedless to Patrick saying that he's going out. Coming to the first piece of meat in the basement freezer, a leg of lamb, she takes it upstairs for dinner. She finds Patrick facing away from her in the den, and without a single thought, clubs him in the back of the head with the leg of lamb, killing him instantly.

Suddenly realizing the severity of her crime, Mary quickly goes about covering it up. She puts the lamb in the oven and goes to the local grocer to buy vegetables to complete the dinner. After returning home and 'finding' her husband dead, she calls the police, who are also friends of the family. They arrive promptly and investigate.

Tired and confused from their investigation, Mary pleads tearfully with the detectives to let her finish the dinner she was preparing. Out of pity for the new widow, they concede. While enjoying the lamb, the men discuss the case, each of them convinced that the murder weapon, which has yet to be found, is 'probably right under (their) noses.'

About the Author Basheer

'Lamb to the Slaughter' is a 1953 short story by Roald Dahl. It was initially rejected, along with four other stories, by The New Yorker, but was published in Harper's Magazine in September 1953. It was adapted for an episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents that starred Barbara Bel Geddes and Harold J. Stone. Originally broadcast on April 13, 1958, this was one of only 17 AHP episodes directed by Hitchcock. The episode was ranked #59 of the Top 100 Episodes by TV Guide in 2009. The story was adapted for Dahl's British TV series Tales of the Unexpected. Dahl included it in his short story compilation Someone Like You. The narrative element of the housewife killing her husband and letting the policemen partake in eating the evidence was used by Pedro Almodóvar in his 1984 movie What Have I Done to Deserve This?, with a leg of mutton.

'Lamb to the Slaughter' demonstrates Dahl's fascination with horror (with elements of black comedy), which is seen in both his adult fiction and his stories for children. The story was suggested to Dahl by his friend Ian Fleming: 'Why don't you have someone murder their husband with a frozen leg of mutton which she then serves to the detectives who come to investigate the murder?'

Conclusion on Lamb To The Slaughter Summary in Malayalam

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