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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil Novel Summary in Malayalam PDF Download

Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil Novel Summary in Malayalam PDF Download
Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil Novel Summary in Malayalam PDF Download

Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil Novel Summary in Malayalam: In this article, we will provide you with a summary of Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil Novel. Also, in this article, we will also provide Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil Novel Summary in Malayalam for ease of everyone. We have extracted a summary of Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil Novel and have uploaded them in English and Malayalam for easy understanding and quick learning. If you have questions regarding the Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil Novel Summary in Malayalam please let us know in the comments.

Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil Novel Summary Details

We have also found out some important details about the Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil Novel below:


Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil Novel

Written By

M. Mukundan








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Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil Novel Summary in Malayalam PDF

You can check below the summary of Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil Novel in malayalam language.

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Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil Novel Summary in English PDF

You can check below the summary of Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil Novel in English language.

Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil (transl. On the Banks of the Mayyazhi) is a Malayalam language novel by M. Mukundan. The novel vividly describes the political and social background of Mahé (Mayyazhi), the former French colony, in the past, in a mystical way. The novel was translated into English and French, both the versions winning accolades.


The protagonist in the novel is a young man called Dasan who was born in French Mahé and educated in Pondicherry. Even though he was offered a job in the French administration and assistance for higher education in Paris, he instead joins the freedom movement led by Gandhian Kanaran, and is attracted by communist ideology. A girl called Chandrika falls in love with him, but he is not able to promise her a married life because of his commitment to the revolution. A French court sentences Dasan to 12 years of imprisonment, but Dasan escapes captivity by walking across to the Indian Union. Very soon he comes back to Mahé leading a group of volunteers and frees Mahé from foreign rule. The French national flag is removed and the Indian national flag is hoisted on government buildings. Despite being a local hero Achu, he struggles for his livelihood as he refuses to accept regular employment and join the mainstream lifestyle. His girlfriend is forced by her parents to marry another man, so she commits suicide. Dasan also follows her way to reach the abode of the soul on the Velliyamkallu island on the Mahé coast.

About the Author Basheer

Maniyambath Mukundan, (born 10 September 1942) commonly known as M. Mukundan, is an Indian writer of Malayalam literature. Many of his early works are set in Mahé (Mayyazhi) which has earned him the moniker, Mayyazhiyude Kathakaaran. He is known to be one of the pioneers of modernity in Malayalam literature and Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil, Daivathinte Vikrithikal, Kesavante Vilapangal and Pravasam are some of his notable works. He has received many honours including Vayalar Award, Sahitya Akademi Award, Kerala Sahitya Akademi Award. Crossword Book Award and the Ezhuthachan Puraskaram, the highest literacy honour of the Government of Kerala. He is also a recipient of the Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres of the Government of France.

Conclusion on Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil Novel Summary in Malayalam

We hope that you have found this Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil Novel Summary in Malayalam useful. If you have any queries related to Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil Novel Summary in Malayalam, drop your questions below in the comment box.

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