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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Kocharethi Novel Summary in Malayalam PDF Download

Kocharethi Novel Summary in Malayalam PDF Download
Kocharethi Novel Summary in Malayalam PDF Download

Kocharethi Novel Summary in Malayalam: In this article, we will provide you with a summary of Kocharethi Novel. Also, in this article, we will also provide Kocharethi Novel Summary in Malayalam for ease of everyone. We have extracted a summary of Kocharethi Novel and have uploaded them in English and Malayalam for easy understanding and quick learning. If you have questions regarding the Kocharethi Novel Summary in Malayalam please let us know in the comments.

Kocharethi Novel Summary Details

We have also found out some important details about the Kocharethi Novel below:


Kocharethi Novel

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  4. Click on Kocharethi Novel Summary in Malayalam Post.

Kocharethi Novel Summary in Malayalam PDF

You can check below the summary of Kocharethi Novel in malayalam language.

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Kocharethi Novel Summary in English PDF

You can check below the summary of Kocharethi Novel in English language.

Kocharethi narrates the tale of the Mala Araya adivasi community in the early half of the twentieth century through the lives of Kunjipennu and her husband Kochuraman. It is set against the backdrop of the Western Ghats in the pepper belt along the Kerala – Tamil Nadu border.

A key theme of cultural change begins when Kunjipennu refuses to marry her maternal uncle's son and instead weds Kochuraman. Following the destruction of their house and the death of their son in a forest fire, they are pushed into dire poverty. A cycle of drought and torrential rain pushes the entire Mala Arayan community into debt and alcoholism to which Kochuraman too falls prey.

The poverty of the community is ruthlessly exploited by moneylenders, landlords, the businessmen and the police and gradually this unholy nexus of the upper classes and upper castes results in the alienation of the Arayans' lands and those resisting are beaten into submission.

Kunjipennu and Kochuraman meanwhile have a daughter, Parvati and the establishment of a school in the village marks the beginning of another social transformation in the community. Parvati later gets through college and finds a job in Kochi where she marries against her parents' wishes and slowly begins to distance herself from the community.

Kochuraman's alcoholism finally results in his taking ill and is forced to seek treatment in Kochi where Kunjipennu accompanies him. His hospitalisation is supported by Parvati's husband and friends but when Kochuraman and Kunjipennu are told that he will require surgery they, mortally scared of modern medicine, escape from the hospital.

About the Author Basheer

Kocharethi (Malayalam: à´•ൊà´š്à´šà´°േà´¤്à´¤ി) is a Malayalam novel by Narayan, often described as Kerala’s first tribal novelist, that was published in 1998. The novel, through the lives of its protagonist Kunjupennu and her childhood love and later husband, Kochuraman, depicts the history, traditions and travails of the Malay Arayan tribal community in Kerala in the twentieth century. While Narayan completed the manuscript of the novel in 1988, it was published only ten years later by the D C Books. The novel was critically acclaimed and went on to win the Kerala Sahitya Akademi Award.

Conclusion on Kocharethi Novel Summary in Malayalam

We hope that you have found this Kocharethi Novel Summary in Malayalam useful. If you have any queries related to Kocharethi Novel Summary in Malayalam, drop your questions below in the comment box.

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